

January 23 2025

Yernar Sailybayev: 

I was pleased to participate in a consultation on 23 January 2025 in Astana to identify priorities for the UNDP Kazakhstan - Global Environment Facility Project "Integrated Management of Marine and Coastal Resources of the Kazakhstan part of the #CaspianSea and Adjacent Territories". 

I shared my vision about CaspianCDR project and invited colleagues to discuss the idea of creating “TeamCASPI Climate Innovation Hub” for capacity development, supporting climate actions, biodiversity projects, blue and green economy. 

October 9 2024

The CaspianCDR is supported by Brilliant Labs an Atlantic Canadian-based charity a hands-on, experiential learning platform providing youth with opportunities to develop coding and digital skills.

September 24 2024

The CaspianCDR is supported by Raffael Jovine, a British-American scientist who is the inspirer of our project and the author of the marine carbon dioxide technology.

June 24 2024

Contributing to the ocean knowledge-based solutions.

We are extremely happy to be first UNESCO OceanDecade project from land locked country, and the second from Caspian basin.

"The science we need for the ocean we want."

August 2 2023

Contributing to Global Climate Litigation database

We are excited that our CEO,  Yernar Sailybayev, is one of the volunteer rapporteurs of the Columbia Law School SabinCenter for Climate Change Law.

"The Sabin Center develops legal techniques to fight climate change, trains students and lawyers in their use, and provides up-to-date resources on key topics in climate change law and regulation."

July 14 2023

Debut Expedition July 10-13 2023

The #CaspianCDR project team has completed the debut phase of #carbondioxideremoval research in the middle eastern #CaspianSea

This is the first batch of regular Caspian biodiversity surveys under the project. 

Reconnaissance of 15,000 Ha from land, field studies of socio-economic factors and much more are ahead.

148 nautical miles were covered under the sail of the catamaran Endeavour. 

Our Team successfully tested Niskin bottles of own assembly - collected bathometric samples of seawater from different depths.

We was fortunate enough to observe upwelling. At a depth of 20 meters, the seawater was only 10 degrees Celsius. Before this there was a North wind of 12 knots.